AIMS Ireland AGM 2013

When: Saturday, December 7, 2013

Time: 2:30PM

Where: Teacher’s Club, Parnell Square, Dublin (across from Rotunda)


“Daughters of the Revolution, Theatre Workshops” – Kate Harris of 4 Elements Theatre Company

AIMS Ireland member, Nuala Hoey is speaking about her personal experience of birthing decisions and positive birth choice.

“Neglecting Reproductive Autonomy : A legal analysis of consent during pregnancy and childbirth in Ireland” – Barrister, Mary Kirwan

 AIMS Ireland AGM

  • 2012-2013 Committee Annual Report
  • Proposed Motions and Business
  • Election of Committee Roles

AIMS Ireland Members: Proposed Motions and Business

Any proposed motions or business for AIMS Ireland in the upcoming year are to be submitted by email to by 5pm, Thursday December 5th.

Committee Roles

AIMS Ireland need to elect all committee roles at the AGM. We are currently taking nominations.

To be eligible for Committee Roles with AIMSI you must fit the following:

  • *member of AIMS Ireland
  • cannot be a medical professional
  • be available and willing to commit to a year in elected position

 AIMS Ireland Committee Roles:




Press Officer

Women’s Support and Information Aide


** Chair

** Vice Chair

AIMS Ireland are also seeking assistance with non-committee roles in a voluntary capacity with issues such as event planning, fundraising assistance, campaigns, surveys/research, graphic design (infographs), video production, etc. If you have skills you would like to contribute to AIMSI please contact us at

Membership to AIMS Ireland is €20 for a year. Membership entitles you to membership of a private AIMSI online facebook group and election/vote of committee roles and motions. Membership fees go back into women’s support services. Please Join Us!!

Fundraising/Donations to AIMS Ireland go directly to AIMS Ireland research, support services and campaigns. If you would like to organize an event in the aide of AIMS Ireland, please contact us at

AIMS Ireland receives no outside funding – fundraising, donations, and membership provide our sole financial support and go straight back to campaigns and women’s services.

Annual Organisational and Financial Reports from AIMSI for 2012-2013 will be made available at the AGM.

Our amazing Treasurer, Alcarine Power, has recently resigned following 5 amazing years with AIMSI. We are so sad to see her go and will miss her immensely.

Thank You,

AIMS Ireland Team


** Chair and Vice Chair may be split as Co-Chair if preferred and agreed with committee


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