Birth After Caesarean Section is a collaborative event hosted by AIMS Ireland, TCD and NUIG on Wednesday February 22nd 2017
Venue: Lecture theatre 2.57, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin (24 D’Olier Street)
This event is free to attend but requires ticket booking at the eventbrite link above.
09.45am: Registration and coffee
10.15am: Welcome, formal opening and overview of conference
(Krysia Lynch AIMS Ireland)
10.30am: OptiBIRTH: an intervention designed to improve VBAC
(Patricia Healy NUIG)
12.00pm: Participation by pregnant women in research- the experience
(Edel Quirke AIMS Ireland)
12.15pm: Discussion time
12.30pm: Lunch
1.30pm: A VBAC initiative in a regional maternity unit
(Anne Murray Midwife Portiuncula)
2.00pm: Gentle caesarean section – The concept
(John Slevin Obstetrician Limerick)
Gentle caesarean section- the experience
(Helen Guinane AIMS Ireland)
2.30pm: AIMS Ireland Support – FAQs & options for Birth after Caesarean including HBAC
(Lisa Finnegan AIMS Ireland)
3.00pm: Discussion time
3.15pm: Conference close Deirdre Daly Midwife TCD / Krysia Lynch, Chair, Aims Ireland