AIMS Ireland 10th Anniversary AGM – 11th June 2017


This is a celebration to mark the 10th Anniversary of AIMS Ireland. We will be outlining our achievements during the last 10 years as well as outlining our achievements for 2016-2017 and also our strategic plan for 2017-2018. In addition we will be having discussion sessions and invited speakers,

The theme this year is Perinatal Mental Health; a topic very close to the heart of the work of AIMS Ireland. We have fabulous speakers lined up. Our own Krysia Lynch who has represented women on the HIQA National Standards for Safer Better Maternity Care Expert Group and who has been the Service User Representative on the soon to be announced Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Strategy for Ireland and our Vice Chair Breda Kearns who has represented women’s views on Perinatal Mental Health Committees in the west of Ireland and was instrumental in the setting up of the new peer support group for postnatal mental health in conjunction with AWARE.

Our psychologist is Occupational Psychologist Elizbeth Quinn MSc MPhil, member of the Psychological Society of Ireland and The British Psychological Society and Association of Lactation Consultants of Ireland  who will speak on her doctorate research looking at the importance of peer support in maintaining perinatal mental health in the antenatal and postnatal period. She will also address the dichotomies between perinatal mental health and breastfeeding.

The profession of midwifery is represented by Jeannine Webster (RM) who was invited to the House of Lords Specialist meeting on Perinatal Mental Health last year and who recently won the MAMA Midwife of the Year award. Jeannine has a special interest in Perinatal Mental Health in Ireland and will talk about her experiences of perinatal mental health services in the Maternity Services in Ireland.

Tonya Wilde is speaking on behalf of the experiences migrant and ethnic minority women face in Ireland, Tonya also sat on the HIQA National Standards for Safer Better Maternity Care Expert Group with Krysia and offers an insight into how perinatal mental health can be improved for migrant and ethnic minority women.


AIMSI 10th Annniversary Program

1.30pm – 2pm Registration

Chairperson: Lucy Peprah AIMSI

2pm – 2.15pm Welcome Address: Krysia Lynch, AIMSI

2.15pm – 2.35pm The women’s perspective of Perinatal Mental Health in Ireland Krysia Lynch and Breda Kerans AIMS Ireland

2.35pm – 2.55pm: The migrant and ethnic minority woman’s perspective of Perinatal Mental Health in Ireland : Tonya Wilde, Cairde

2.55pm – 3.15pm The midwife’s experience of perinatal Mental Health in Ireland Jeannine Webster RM

3.15pm – 3.30pm Tea and Coffee

Chairperson: Jene Kelly AIMSI

3.30 – 4pm Perinatal Mental Health and Breastfeeeding in Ireland Elizabeth Quinn BA, MA, MPhil, MBPSs, IBCLC. Lactation consultant in private practice PhD researcher in TCD, School of Nursing and Midwifery.

Chairperson: Krysia Lynch AIMSI

4.15pm – 4.45pm Open Floor Discussion

Chairperson: Breda Kearns AIMSI

4.45pm – 5pm Members only AIMSI AGM

More details and to book your place click here

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