Every woman is entitled to a copy of her maternity notes.
You do not need to give a reason as to why you want a copy of your maternity notes.
To request a copy of your maternity records, contact your local maternity hospital’s patient services department and they will give walk you through the process. Alternatively, you can request a copy of your notes from Freedom of Information.
You will need to make a formal request in writing providing details of identification. These include:
•Your Name
•Your Date of Birth
•Your Baby’s Name and Date of Birth
•Your Address and Contact Number
•Photocopy of Identification
Once your request is received, the patient services or FOI Officer will process your request. The patient services or FOI Officer will pull your chart and photocopy the information inside. This should include your antenatal, labour and birth, and postnatal records. It should also include any tests, procedures or scans. Once all the information is collected and photocopied, the patient services or FOI Officer will send them to you via registered post or arrange for their collection. As personal health records are legal documents, you are the only person who may sign for the notes. The notes should be with you in 2–6 weeks.